Yellow Bamboo power for protection, healing and self development. Updates, news and announcements regarding the home study courses offered at

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Have you made Yellow Bamboo a habit?

Yellow Bamboo News
Announcements and Ideas for More Personal Power

Do You Have a Yellow Bamboo Habit?

As we train in Yellow Bamboo, a habit of study at a regular time will improve your results.

Habits are often the difference between success and failure in all pursuits... Do you have positive habits?

Our friend, Dan Robey, has been researching the science behind habits for years. He has found evidence of a proven yet unheard of science, called Cognitive Re-Structuring.

Cognitive restructuring is a scientific process that is so simple that anyone, even a child can do it, yet so powerful, it's effects are "Life Changing" and "Permanent."

Dan has just released a program call The Power Of Positive Habits that can show you in just a few minutes you can learn how to Re-Program your Mind and Body and reach your goals Automatically.

Imagine being able to:

  • Achieve More Success... Automatically

  • Improve Your Health...Automatically

  • Lose the Excess Weight ...Automatically (and keep it off Permanently)

  • Improve Your Relationships...Automatically

  • Have Unlimited and Boundless Energy...Automatically

  • Be More Motivated...Automatically

  • Have "Higher Self-Esteem" Automatically

I've tried this program, and have seen the results. It can make your study of Yellow Bamboo work and improve every aspect of your life.

Best of All.. Dan has arranged for a package of bonus gifts worth $1757.00 for anyone who gets this inexpensive program during first three days. Order before March 25th (Midnight US East Coast) and receive over 40 bonuses!

Just look at what Best-Selling authors Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy and John Gray had to say about "The Power of Positive Habits,"

"If greater success, improved self-esteem and happiness are your life destinations, The Power of Positive Habits can take you there! This is a simple but powerful program that can transform your life."

–Jack Canfield - #1 NY Times Best-selling author of
"Chicken Soup for the Soul"

“Wherever you are in life, your habits determine 95% of your thoughts, feelings and actions. This program shows you how to develop the lifelong habits for great success.”

–Brian Tracy, Motivation Expert and Author of
“Create Your Own Future"

"Every aspect of our life is determined by our habits, including relationships with those we love. This book teaches you how to acquire new habits that can help improve your relationships...automatically!"

-John Gray, Ph.D. #1 NY Times Best-selling author of
“Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus”

This amazing program is well worth the tiny investment.. but right now, the bonuses are worth many times more!

Take a look right now

Warren Whitlock

PS -Remember, please act right now because this once-in-a-lifetime offer on goes until midnight Friday, March 25th. Forward this to all your friends so they won't miss out on this amazing opportunity.

The Power of Positive Habits

This one's a no-brainer.. it's one of the best books I've read in the last year. Even if you have it, take a look at this lopsided, 3 day offer now before it goes away.


Message From
Alvin Donovan III


Study Yellow Bamboo at Home

Have you had a chance to see the new release of Yellow Bamboo home study training?

With this package, you get DVD videos covering all 12 levels of Yellow Bamboo, plus an instruction manual and support system.

Home Study

Order a package now, and receive additional bonuses offers included at included in your package.



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To update your contact information:

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Yellow Bamboo Training Is Ready



This is it!

The Yellow Bamboo Training package you've been asking for!

To be one of the first to experience this go to:

After a lot of effort the upper levels of your Yellow Bamboo training are finally ready! Level 1 all the way to level 12 are available to you now.

Now all levels are ready for you to master in the comfort of your own home. You order them at:

You already know how powerful the level 1 course is and naturally can readily imagine that each new level is more different and powerful than previous levels. Some of the many benefits are:

* More success in all areas of your life, personal, financial, relationships etc
* Ability to influence others to get them to do what you want
* The ability to get others to fall in love with you
* Build the fire within and expand your aura
* Achievement of the super conscious state
* The semadhi experience or union with God
* Further increase your internal power
* Development of telepathic abilities
* The ability to see into the future
* Ability to see at a distance
* Unite your soul with nature

Ordering information is available at

Here is what you get in the Yellow Bamboo training package:

* The Encyclopedia of Yellow Bamboo with written instructions- the complete knowledge base of Yellow Bamboo!
* Detailed easy to follow step by step instructions all the way to level 12
* Weekly online chat with senior Yellow Bamboo staff
* My new bestselling book 'Wake Up... Live the Life You Love'
* Unlimited online coaching
* Future updates as they become available

You can buy each level separately for only $97 or you can get the whole package including everything above for only $497 (A value of $2164!).

As a Yellow Bamboo mailing list subscriber, I have special offer. Order the package now, and you'll get five special bonuses worth $473 or more, plus a $100 discount for the next 100 orders.

I'm sending this message to my insider list of 4947 Yellow Bamboo enthusiests. Our best guess is that the discounted packages with bonuses will only be available for a few hours.

You have a 1 in 49 chance of getting the discount before we release this to the general public. Make sure you get your order in today!

You can read the details at:

All the best,



PS. You know others who could use the power of Yellow Bamboo in their lives. Please don't keep this from them. Forward a copy of this message now.

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To update your contact information:

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Have you read the news about Yellow Bamboo?

Yellow Bamboo News
Announcements and Ideas for More Personal Power

Yellow Bamboo Updates On-Line

As the Yellow Bamboo continues it's fast growth around the world, there is news every week for members and followers.

We write about new events in a newsletter occasionally, and send out announcements via email. But how do you know you've seen them all?

Keep up to date with the Yellow Bamboo Blog. It's easy, just point your browser to:

Anyone with a web browser can read this blog. It looks just like a web page. Additionally, if you have a blog reader, the RSS or XML feed is available for instant updates.

Live Training in Bali

Coming in May.

Yellow Bamboo instructor training program

Sunday 22 May 2005 - 1 of June 2005

  • May 23 full moon pasupati ceremony
  • consult with pak serengen
  • All night meditation temple
  • Fasting
  • Night time mantram and pranayama training pak serengen

Daily routine twice daily morning and afternoon

  • Mantram and pranayama practice
  • Sport
  • Test of power
  • Sivasana relaxation
  • Practice healing

Only 997 euros all inclusive pickup drop off airport, 10 nights accommodation lovina with ac, hot water, all meals, training fees, materials.

Bring: light loose clothing including two pairs of black loose pants for workouts, sleeping bag and yoga mat for temple meditation, large bath towels, mossie repellent, sunscreen, hat.

Make your booking today by email to

Study Yellow Bamboo at Home

Have you had a chance to see the new release of Yellow Bamboo home study training?

With this package, you get DVD videos covering all 12 levels of Yellow Bamboo, plus an instruction manual and support system.

Order a package now, and receive $432.00 in bonus offers included at no charge.

Message From
Alvin Donovan III


Time is rapidly approaching to the May 2005 intensive. Pak Serengen has been studying english diligently and this will be the first and only time he will be personally be teaching the intensive. It will be very, very interesting to hear him explain everything in English about YB from the ground up!

We are only going to allow a maximum of 20 souls to join us so please confirm your reservation direct to  as soon as possible.

See article for more details of the program. See you there!



Copyright 2005 all rights reserved. You may forward this page in it's entirety.

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Monday, March 07, 2005

Alvin Donovan on New Zealand Radio

MEDIA RELEASE 04 March 2005

Financial talkback show launches on Most FM

Best selling American author, and financial guru Alvin Donovan is starting a weekly talk show aimed at people who want to know how to make more money now on the WITT radio station, the Most FM.

In the "Donovan's Money Talks" show each Thursday at 5pm on The Most 92.3FM, Donovan will interview some of the country's smartest business and financial gurus to give listeners real and practical help with their money.

The first expert to be heard on the inaugural show on March 10 will be Matthew Gilligan, Managing Director of Auckland accountancy practice Gilligan Rowe – a ““behind the scenes” financial advisor to the experts,” says Donovan.

"Through working in international finance over the last 20 years I’ve built up personal relationships with these money wizards who can give gems of financial insight that the average person wouldn’t normally have access to,” says Mr. Donovan.

In addition, listeners can call in and ask financial advice, says Mr. Donovan who has written the highly acclaimed business book 'Make More Money NOW'.

He is also the co author with Deepak Chopra and Mark Victor Hansen of "Wake up and live the life you love" which last year was # 2 Best Seller- Top 100, #1Bestseller - Business Life and Career, #1Bestseller - Business Life Inspirational, #1Bestseller - Business People- Conduct of Life, #1Bestseller - Business Personal Growth on the Barnes&Noble Best Seller lists. (See

Donovan specializes in international finance, Information Technology, sales and marketing and property investment. Over the last 20 years, Donovan has raised over US$1.5 billion for new ventures. And as the general manager for a division of Ord-Westpac in Australia, he proved his economic abilities when he took them from a market share of 1% and 26th out of 28 places to a 15% market share and number 1 place within 90 days of beginning his assignment.

Donovan has lectured in over 100 major cities on international finance and now commutes between Bali and New Plymouth where his wife and daughter are living for the lifestyle and quality education.

“We researched about where to live in Australia and New Zealand and found New Plymouth had the perfect mix of a coastal lifestyle, and a quality education for our daughter,” says Mr. Donovan.

“While I am living in New Plymouth, I’ve decided to offer some of my financial know-how and can-do ability to the community in the hope that others can use it to become financially prosperous and secure.”

"The radio show aims to give listeners an objective expert who can offer advice on investment issues in an impartial manner,” says Donovan.

Mr. Donovan has also been a past consultant for or faculty member of most of the world's largest management institutes including the American Management Association and the National Management Association in the USA, Management Center Europe in Belgium, IMI in Dublin, OPWZ in Vienna, ZFU in Zurich, IEP of Amsterdam, APM of Bangkok, RAYMA in Kuala Lumpur, APM in South Africa and LPMB in Jakarta.

He has also consulted to top level executives from major international corporations such as AT&T, Barclays, Canon, Citibank, Digital Equipment, DuPont, Hilton, IBM, IT&T, Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly Clark, Kraft Jacobs, MasterCard, Mazda, Merck, Nestle, Occidental, Otis, Proctor & Gamble, Prudential, Sony, 3M, TNT and Xerox.


For more information, contact Alvin Donovan, phone 02111 084482, or

Or Bruce Gatward-Cook, Adviso, ph 0274 99 00 24