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Monday, March 07, 2005

Alvin Donovan on New Zealand Radio

MEDIA RELEASE 04 March 2005

Financial talkback show launches on Most FM

Best selling American author, and financial guru Alvin Donovan is starting a weekly talk show aimed at people who want to know how to make more money now on the WITT radio station, the Most FM.

In the "Donovan's Money Talks" show each Thursday at 5pm on The Most 92.3FM, Donovan will interview some of the country's smartest business and financial gurus to give listeners real and practical help with their money.

The first expert to be heard on the inaugural show on March 10 will be Matthew Gilligan, Managing Director of Auckland accountancy practice Gilligan Rowe – a ““behind the scenes” financial advisor to the experts,” says Donovan.

"Through working in international finance over the last 20 years I’ve built up personal relationships with these money wizards who can give gems of financial insight that the average person wouldn’t normally have access to,” says Mr. Donovan.

In addition, listeners can call in and ask financial advice, says Mr. Donovan who has written the highly acclaimed business book 'Make More Money NOW'.

He is also the co author with Deepak Chopra and Mark Victor Hansen of "Wake up and live the life you love" which last year was # 2 Best Seller- Top 100, #1Bestseller - Business Life and Career, #1Bestseller - Business Life Inspirational, #1Bestseller - Business People- Conduct of Life, #1Bestseller - Business Personal Growth on the Barnes&Noble Best Seller lists. (See

Donovan specializes in international finance, Information Technology, sales and marketing and property investment. Over the last 20 years, Donovan has raised over US$1.5 billion for new ventures. And as the general manager for a division of Ord-Westpac in Australia, he proved his economic abilities when he took them from a market share of 1% and 26th out of 28 places to a 15% market share and number 1 place within 90 days of beginning his assignment.

Donovan has lectured in over 100 major cities on international finance and now commutes between Bali and New Plymouth where his wife and daughter are living for the lifestyle and quality education.

“We researched about where to live in Australia and New Zealand and found New Plymouth had the perfect mix of a coastal lifestyle, and a quality education for our daughter,” says Mr. Donovan.

“While I am living in New Plymouth, I’ve decided to offer some of my financial know-how and can-do ability to the community in the hope that others can use it to become financially prosperous and secure.”

"The radio show aims to give listeners an objective expert who can offer advice on investment issues in an impartial manner,” says Donovan.

Mr. Donovan has also been a past consultant for or faculty member of most of the world's largest management institutes including the American Management Association and the National Management Association in the USA, Management Center Europe in Belgium, IMI in Dublin, OPWZ in Vienna, ZFU in Zurich, IEP of Amsterdam, APM of Bangkok, RAYMA in Kuala Lumpur, APM in South Africa and LPMB in Jakarta.

He has also consulted to top level executives from major international corporations such as AT&T, Barclays, Canon, Citibank, Digital Equipment, DuPont, Hilton, IBM, IT&T, Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly Clark, Kraft Jacobs, MasterCard, Mazda, Merck, Nestle, Occidental, Otis, Proctor & Gamble, Prudential, Sony, 3M, TNT and Xerox.


For more information, contact Alvin Donovan, phone 02111 084482, or

Or Bruce Gatward-Cook, Adviso, ph 0274 99 00 24